Technical References

  1. the advice on all legal and regulatory aspects of mining projects (Due diligence, drafting of agreements…) ;
  2. setting-up of Pledge-Secured Transactions, in collaboration with BOA (Bank Of Africa) ;
  3. elaboration of the guide of international treaties on International Trade Law on behalf of the French Cooperation ;
  4. advising on Madagascar’s first successful BOT (Build Operate Transfer) project issued by the Malagasy Government ;
  5.  study of the investments legal climat in Madagascar with CREAM ;
  6. managing international arbitration procedures under the auspices of arbitral institutions ICC and CIRDI ;
  7. assistance to the creation of legal and fiscal framework for the leasing practice, in partnership with IFC ;
  8. legal, taxation and financial assistance of international investors with regards to their setting-up ;
  9. drafting of laws and codes (Water code, draft order as regards the procurement contracts, exchanges code, bill regarding the legal system in which the judiciary have closer links with the community they serve…) ;
  10. legal counsel of EDBM (Agency for investments promotion).